Sunday 29 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey

Sorry you haven't heard much about my holiday because there was a day when lightning struck our internet so I wasn't able to do some of my Summer Learning Journey.

On Christmas Eve we went to town to look at the Christmas lights it was amazing after that we went to a house that was well decorated it had so many amazing thing there was lady who lived at the house who was giving visitors lollies.After a while we went to Mcdonalds and got some ice cream it was yummy. then we headed back home.

On Christmas morning me and my sister woken up at 4:00 in the morning and we were waiting for dad to go to work when dad went to work me and Chiedza tiptoed in mum's room and yelled "Merry Christmas" mum said go back to bed but we didn't listen so we went to the living room and watched some tv as soon mum came she said "if you are in here you need to be helping tidy up" so we tidy up the house and started baking cheesecake and we took a shower and until dad came back from work we opened presents an had our Christmas Lunch it was yummy.What I got for Christmas is  a LOL OMG,Night dress,Star dress,bead set and a boomerang.

Today we went to Morgans house it was a hot hot day when we arrived we played with the bunch o balloons,hide and seek and also we played in the pool.I was eating some raspberries in there backyard. 

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Nelson Creek (Summer Learning Journey)

Today me my mum and my siblings went to Nelson Creek Recreation Reserve you can play on the playground look at the glow worms and go on the swing bridge and you can swim in the river and also a camping ground.                                                               

Monday 9 December 2019

What I am grateful for

In class today we made a sreencastify of us saying what we are grateful for here is my video.

Thursday 5 December 2019

My Trip to Australia

In the early Septembers 2019 I did a speechboard competition it was scary but fun here is my speech.

The Naughtiest Unicorn and the School Disco

In the Spring Holidays I read a book called Naughtiest Unicorn and the School Disco and we had to do a book review here is my book review 

Friday 1 November 2019

A Busy Term

On Friday week one there was Pet day.We all had to do our pet day projects my pet day project was on my pet lamb Cuddles.There was judging, prizes and more.

On week two Friday we also had grandparents day it was so fun we played old school games and we had a shared lunch .The actives where hopscotch,elastics and more.

On week three we had the Halloween disco and Athletics there was one thing I did not like and it was the big run I nearly ran out of breath.

In week one we also started swimming.I like to swim in the pool it is really warm but sometimes it can be cold up on your tummy.

And there is a lot more happening soon.

Monday 30 September 2019

Bully-free poem

For those who are wondering this is my Bully-free poem hope you enjoyed it.

Sunday 29 September 2019

Pet Day Poster

In room 5 we have been doing our pet day projects and here is my pet day project.

Saturday 28 September 2019


This is a poster and photos of me family and friends.

Friday 27 September 2019


Here is a poster of what I like hope you enjoy. 

Speech Board

Awahono School had 10 students participate and pass the national speech board competitions in early September.  These children worked really hard and had a variety of oral language activities they had to complete in front of an assessor.  

Thursday 19 September 2019

Little Blue Penguin Report

Little Blue Penguin

Did you know the Little Blue Penguin is getting killed each year? Have you ever seen a Little Blue Penguin dead.

Well you can now learn how to keep them safe from their predators.

Their predators are killer whales,sharks,dogs,cars and wild cats.They trick the predator because they have a blue back so that confuses the predator. 

They eat small fish like krill,squid,anchovy small,octopus and plankton.Also they drink salty water.They dive into the water and when they spotted there fish they catch it with there spiky tongue.

They have a blue sulky back and their eyes shine like a diamond and some of them have a dark blue beak.

Little blue penguins can swim fast for up to 6 km/h.Also they lay their eggs in underground barrows at the beach.

Do you want to keep our Little Blue Penguins alive? So make sure you don’t leave rubbish of anything that will poison them and if you see a Little Blue Penguin hungry make sure you give it some fish for it to eat.

Friday 30 August 2019

digital footprint

Today we were doing a poster about digital footprint to remind us what we should be in what we should not be on.Here is my poster.

Wednesday 12 June 2019

Onesie Fun Run

Today it is the Onesie Fun Run. We are all excited to do it. I am wearing a love heart onesie because love heart is my thing. Here is a photo of me and my friends

Tuesday 26 March 2019